On May 13, 2023, Eyob Hope for Children and Youth Inc. (EHCY) held its first Family
Fun Day, Soccer Tournament, and Know Your Heart Awareness Program at Edward
Vincent Jr. Park. Friends and families from the Los Angeles area and other locations
attended the event and participated in various activities prepared in honor of our
beloved brother, friend, and son, Eyob. Famous soccer players of former national team
of Ethiopia and young and talented soccer players of four teams from Southern
California competed for a championship. The excitement of the soccer players and their
supporters made the event memorable. The American Red Cross provided CPR
training for the soccer players and to those who attended the event. Friends and
families prepared Tibis, hamburgers, injera firfir, drinks, raffle, merchandise, traditional
Ethiopian coffee, and other fundraising activities to raise funds for EHCY and created an
enjoyable family atmosphere. Children were playing on the playgrounds, some were
playing basketball, and others were having fun with family and friends they met at the
event. Our religious leaders attended the event to show their support for EHCY and to
honor Eyob.
EHCY would like to thank everyone who has worked hard and contributed time and
money to make the event successful and unforgettable.