Eyob Hope for Children and Youth Inc. Board Members visit to Ethiopia, September 2022
After hosting the Celebration of Life of Eyob and the Inauguration of Eyob Hope for Children &Youth Inc. (EHCY) on July 30th, 2022, in Los Angeles, at the beginning of September, the Board Members of EHCY traveled to Ethiopia to evaluate and assess the proposed projects and other related activities which are included in the mission statement of EHCY. Before its trip to Ethiopia, the Board, after reviewing the Health Committee’s recommendation ordered fifteen (15) Inoue balloons from Japan to be donated to St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College, a public hospital that provides free services to less fortunate children and young adults. First, the Board went to St. Peter’s Hospital (affiliate of St. Paul’s Hospital) to meet the medical staff and observe the procedure of opening of heart valves using the Inoue balloons on one of the young patients. The Board members were moved by the dedication and professionalism of the medical staff and overwhelmed by the extent of the problem. As part of its mission, the Board also visited Karaalo Elementary School located in Yeka Kefel Ketema to prepare for the drilling of a desperately needed water well for the students and the community around the school. After this initial meeting at the school the Board members went to various government offices which are responsible for the approval of the well drilling project. The Board members also visited The Children’s Heart Fund of Ethiopia at Cardiac Center – Ethiopia. After the Board members visited the Center the Ato Hiruy Ali, CEO of the center scheduled a meeting with Dr. Belay Abegaz, who is the founder of the Cardiac Center.
On September 30th, 2022, the Board members attended the handover ceremony for the donation of the fifteen balloons from EHCY to St. Paul’s Hospital. The donated balloons could be used to treat about 45 patients. The handover ceremony took place on Eyob’s 19th birthday. It was a blessing to celebrate the birthday of our beloved Eyob during a ceremony that will help other kids and young children from heart related pain. The Board members finally attended the heart valve opening procedure for a 17-year-old young boy at St. Peter’s Hospital that used one of the balloons donated by EHCY. EHCY will continue to collaborate tirelessly with its supporters to supply much needed medical equipment and implementation of projects which will fulfill the missions of EHCY. EHCY would like to thank all of you who have supported us from the very beginning. We will continue to work on the tasks that we have started and other tasks which will help us fulfill the missions of EHCY.
The Board members visited Karaalo Elementary school to discuss the Water Well Project. The Board members met Ato Assefa, (Director of the School) to see the proposed location for the well, the method of operation, the agencies in charge of the well. We also discussed the concern on the operation and maintenance of the well, use of the well by the School and the Community around the School. During the meeting we had a chance to discuss other relevant information required for the drilling of the well and installation of the system. Ato Assefa recommended discussing the issue with his management in the Sub City (Kefle Ketema), Ministry of Education, Office of Education of the Area, and the Water and Sewerage Agency. We met with some of the officials and started working with the Water and Sewerage Agency to get technical information. Due to time constraints, we could not complete the project, but were able to gather critical information and know offices and personnel in charge of similar projects. We met with the Director of the School and informed him of the responses from various offices and agreed to follow up with his office regarding the required approval from his management.

With the help of Dr. Woubeshet Ayenew from Minnesota, Marta Tsegaye, and the Health Committee of the EHCY collaborated with Dr. Seifu and his medical team at St. Paul’s Hospital Cardiac Center to identify the most critical medical equipment needed for the hospital. After discussing with all involved the Board of EHCY approved $30,000.00 to purchase 15 Inoue Balloons to be used by the Hospital to treat children and young adults. Thanks to Ato Yeneneh from Infinity who expedited the order and delivery of the balloons,

On October 6, 2022, the Board members went to St. Peter’s hospital to witness the use of one of the first balloons donated by EHCY. The Board members had a chance to talk to Tamrat before the procedure was performed by the medical staff. He talked to the Board members with a beautiful smile and excitement for getting the opportunity to be treated at the hospital.
Tamrat, a 17-year-old, 9th grade student from Northern Showa region of Ethiopia was suffering from severe Mitral and Tricuspid Valve Stenoses for which Percutaneous Balloon Commissurotomy needed to be performed on the two valves of his heart. Dr. Seifu Bacha and his team performed the procedure at St Peter’s Cardiac Center of St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College (SPHMMC.)
Tamrat is the first recipient of the balloons donated to St. Paul by Eyob Hope for Children and Youth Inc.
As Dr. Seifu pointed out in his post: “Is this a coincidence that Tamrat, the first recipient of the balloons is the same age as Eyob was?” It is an amazing coincidence!!
After the procedure was completed the Board members had a chance to talk to Tamrat and wished him well.

After the medical team completed the procedure for Tamrat the Board members were invited to eat breakfast with Dr. Seifu, other doctors, nurses, medical students, and other hospital staff who were all involved to complete the procedure. We enjoyed the pasty, sambusa, qollo with tea or coffee with those courageous professionals who have just completed an amazing procedure on Tamrat. After quick coffee break the Dr. Seifu and his team went operation room to perform similar procedure on a young girl waiting in the operation room.
EHCY will collaborate tirelessly with its supporters to provide much needed medical equipment to the administration and the medical staff of St. Paul’s Cardiac Center of SPHMMC. On behalf of EHCY and its supporters we would like to thank the Administration, Medical Staff, and everyone at the Hospital working hard to provide free treatment to less fortunate children and youth who come from the entire regions of Ethiopia.
Best regards,