Eyob Hope for Children and Youth

Eyob Hope for Children and Youth Inc. (EHCY)

EHCY is a non-profit charitable organization that has been established in Eyob’s memory to give hope and support to impoverished children and youth: by providing heart-related educational and medical assistance, assisting in education, and nutrition, and by setting up facilities and equipment for physical fitness.

  • EHCY intends to educate and provide awareness to parents, children, and youth about cardiomyopathy (abnormal thickening of the heart muscle.)

  • EHCY will assist children who have heart-related medical conditions and work with hospitals and organizations that provide treatment and medication.

  • The organization will also help those who are not fortunate enough to have the basic needs for their education through scholarships and direct grants. Scholarships will be administered through a fund in Eyob’s name.

  • EHCY plans to provide nutritional support to those children and youth who cannot afford to have adequate meals or drinking water.

  • EHCY plans to work with schools in low-income areas to facilitate physical fitness facilities, and equipment, and provide sporting goods. 

These activities will take place here in the United States and in developing countries.