EHCY Trip to Dallas

Eyob Hope for Children and Youth Inc. (EHCY) has recently returned from a successful participation in the 40th Year Anniversary of the Ethiopian Sport Federation in North America and the 2023 Annual Soccer Tournament.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our supporters who visited our booth, attended our Know Your Heart Awareness Presentation, and generously donated to EHCY in various ways. A special thanks go out to our family and friends who cheered on and encouraged our EHCY members who traveled from Los Angeles.  Throughout the event, our dedicated EHCY members actively engaged with numerous guests and supporters, passionately sharing the missions and goals of our organization. This outreach allowed us to gain valuable support from many visitors.

Our time in Dallas/Wylie was made even more memorable by the warm hospitality of our local families and friends.  We are especially grateful to the families who brought their children to our booth, providing them with essential knowledge about heart-related issues.

We had the privilege of connecting with guests from all around the world, enriching our experience and broadening our perspectives. Furthermore, we had the opportunity to learn from other esteemed non-profit organizations about their journey and endeavors.

A heartfelt appreciation goes to ESFNA’s leadership for organizing this event and allowing us to be part of the festival. We look forward to continuing our journey of making a positive impact on the lives of children and youth.

Once again, thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of our participation in the event. Your support and encouragement drive us to pursue our mission with even greater determination and passion.